
Anton Rogl

Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Your brother, your youngest, as was the history of the Glockner cross? - Yes. That was just a tablet. The foreigners have loved to buy and locals, some. That's just a credit for a blunder. He had to stop live. And that was just an extra - he was already incorporated. Then he had a machine that has worked out the rough block of wood by machine. Since he only needed more all work fine - we do say. That's already been working relief. Three years ago he died. - Can I think of it like a crucifix? - Since God was not on it. Only the cross - the top of the Grossglockner, there already is a God, a God to iron. But in this cross was not. That was the cross, the base and yes, actually almost easy. I have none. I've never - because it's really just been a big seller.